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About Us

Cadie headshot photo standing next to a tree with the sun behind her

About Cadie

Cadie was born and raised primarily overseas in Bad Kreuznach, Germany. Her family came to the US a second time in 1999 and settled in Arizona. Here, she graduated high school, attended college, and started her family with Kelly in 2005 with the birth of their first child, Ayseluna.  Since then, she dedicated herself to raising their four children. Before the birth of their last child, she finished her Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management.  She brings with her several years of experience in the property management profession having cared for a range of apartments, vacation rentals, and commercial spaces. To the company, she brings her organizational, financial, and marketing skills to the table with warmth and a sense of humor. Being able to settle her family in South Dakota has been one of the biggest blessings.

About Kelly

Kelly grew up throughout South Dakota, but mainly in the Murdo-Okaton area.  As a teenager, he decided to pursue a career in the military, ending his service in the Army after 23 years.  Upon retiring, he decided to bring his family back to his home state and pursue a career as an electrician.  Kelly’s deep familial roots have always driven him.  Being able to provide his children the ability to grow up in the state that nurtured him has meant the world to him.  He understands the people, the culture, and the many unique areas that make up South Dakota.  To the company, Kelly provides a level of professionalism from his many years of active duty service.  Not only does he provide maintenance and electrical assistance for our properties, he is also fantastic at providing solutions to an array of problems that might affect our clients.  

Kelly headshot photo for about us
Cadie and her family posing for a photo

About Our Children

To hire our company, is to hire our family. You might find one of the four Hockenbary children helping out with various duties around the properties we manage and care for.  Killian at 16 enjoys helping with any yard care our properties may have.  He’s been expanding his skills.  He learned how to cut and install an entire shiplap wall for one of our commercial clients!   Bryn at 14 enjoys helping clean vacation rentals and loves helping with marketing. She recently took on repairing and wiring an antique light fixture for our historical building.  Rhydian at 7 just enjoys being the little guy of the family and accompanying his parents on property inspections. We enjoy being able to include them in what we do to teach them what it means to run a business, grow it, and still be a family. We hope K & K Teulu will be a business we can pass on to them and their families.

About Ayse

Ayseluna, our eldest, will be graduating next year in 2023 and heading to technical school for welding.  Ayse is always helping with our various projects for clients from choosing paint colors, to painting, texturing, and everything else you can imagine.  In addition to going to school for welding, Ayse is planning a three year apprenticeship with a local upholsterer.  Her eye for color and design leaves us excited to see the custom metal work and furniture styles she will create for clients.  She’s been actively developing her admin skills and helps with vacation rental turns.